Antichrist movie sex scenes
Antichrist movie sex scenes

antichrist movie sex scenes

All, however, once seen can’t be unseen, so you have been warned. Some are twisted, transgressive and fucked up, and some are downright loathsome and we really don’t want to watch them again. So kinda with the same logic that the only way you can stop singing that really annoying song is to think of an even more annoying one, we thought we’d run down some other weird, horrific and horribly awesome, or awesomely horrible sex scenes.

antichrist movie sex scenes

Suffice to say it’s disturbing, funny, all kinds of wrong and it etches itself forever into the mind of the viewer. Why and in what context she does so, we’ll leave you to find out. In one scene that’s simultaneously hilarious, ridiculous and horrific, Diaz’s Malkina spread eagles across the hood of a fancy sports car and proceeds to grind panty-less against the windshield until she climaxes, to the astonishment of its occupant. It’s what can best be described as a sex scene (if it technically qualifies as such), and to paraphrase IGN heavily, who spoiled this moment first (and to be completely fair, we understand the temptation): Cameron Diaz plays Malkina, the opportunistic and venomous girlfriend of underworld figure Reiner (Bardem). So much so that embargo be damned, people have felt compelled to discuss it. Shit backfires and things go way south for said attorney.īefore the film plumbs these sordid depths, however, there is a scene in the movie that has everyone talking. The picture is a morality drama about a greedy lawyer (Fassbender), who finds himself in over his head when he decides to delve into the dark world of drug trafficking. Written by venerable American author Cormac McCarthy, “The Counselor” stars Michael Fassbender, Penélope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Javier Bardem and Brad Pitt as its principal cast.

antichrist movie sex scenes

Got that? I mean, we all read the Internetz, so… Anyhow, Ridley Scott’s “ The Counselor” opens in theaters this weekend. Let’s get this out of the way, right off the bat: there will be mild spoilers here-but these spoilers have already been posted online and not by us.

Antichrist movie sex scenes